Every Parent, Player and Coach in the Thunder Organization Signs and Abides by These Codes of Conduct



Player:  Codes of Conduct and Responsibilities

I hereby pledge to provide positive attitude among my team, teammates and coaches and demonstrate the positive aspects of youth sports while participating with the Olentangy Thunder Baseball Team.

I will observe good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support of all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports activity.

I will treat players, coaches, officials and fans, regardless of race, sex, creed or ability, with respect by refraining from rude or abusive language, actions or gestures.

I will demonstrate humility in winning and dignity in losing, knowing that each provides positive contributions to being a good sport and growing up.

I will make every effort to arrive at all practices, games or related events at the scheduled time and ready to play or provide advance notification of my expected absence or late arrival.

I will pay attention to my coaches and follow their directions, realizing they have given freely of their own time to teach me how to play the sport, making it more fun for me.

I will remain personally alert and attentive, refrain from unsafe actions such as throwing equipment or unnecessary physical contact and watch out for other players to ensure safe and healthy playing conditions and I will encourage my teammates to do the same.

I will try my best to learn the rules and the necessary skills of the sport in order to have the most fun understanding and playing the game.

I understand that a violation of this code may result in the suspension or termination of my participation with the Olentangy Thunder Baseball Team.


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Signature                                           Date



Parent: Codes of Conduct and Responsibilities

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement of my child while participating with the Olentangy Thunder Baseball Team.

I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating respect and positive support of all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports activity.

I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win.

I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.

I will support coaches and officials working with my child to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all.

I will demand a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free environment for my child and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all youth sports events.

I will remember that youth sports activities are for the children and not the adults. I will do my best to make youth sports fun for my child.

I will encourage my child to treat other players, coaches, officials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.

I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience within my personal constraints by assisting with coaching or officiating, performing maintenance, or whatever I am capable of doing, as well as being a respectful and sportsman-like fan and spectator.

I will comply with the 24 hour dispute rule.  In an effort to maintain a positive atmosphere, I will allow a 24 hour time period before discussing any disputes regarding any coaching and player concerns.

I understand that a violation of this code may result in the suspension or termination of my child’s participation with the Olentangy Thunder Baseball Team.


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Signature                                                 Signature                                          Date



Manager and Coach:  Codes of Conduct

I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my players ahead of any personal desire to win, teaching and emphasizing the positive aspects of losing as well as winning.

I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the broad diversity of emotional and physical development within the same age group.

I will do my very best to provide a safe and healthy environment and playing situation for my players and I will take positive action to correct unsafe circumstances.

I will review and practice the necessary first-aid principles needed to treat injuries of my players and I will not hesitate to seek professional emergency medical assistance when necessary.

I will demand a drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free environment for my players and I agree to assist by refraining from their use at all youth sports events.

I will remember that I am a youth sports coach and that youth sports activities are for the children and not the adults.

I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my players through active participation and development of a sound understanding of the fundamentals of the sport.

I will lead, by example, in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all my players.

I will teach my players to treat other players, coaches, officials, and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.

I will ensure that I am knowledgeable in the rules of the sport I am coaching and I will teach these rules to my players.

I will ensure that I am familiar with the skill requirements of the sport I am coaching and I will use those coaching techniques appropriate for each of the skills that I teach my players.

I understand that a violation of this Code may result in the suspension or termination of my coaching authority with the Olentangy Thunder Baseball organization.


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Signature / Date